Abby is fully licensed in both Florida and Pennsylvania.
Therapy – Neuro-Muscular Repatterning
Visceral Manipulation
Eighty-five percent of all musculoskeletal issues have a visceral component.
Neural Manipulation
Visceral Vascular Articulation
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.
Trigger Point
Trigger Point Therapy is a style of bodywork that focuses on stimulating and releasing “trigger points” in your body. Trigger points are tender areas of tension similar to acupressure points, except they occur in the belly of the muscle rather than along the energy pathways of the body. These “knots” are built up throughout a person’s life due to physical, mental, and/or emotional stress. During a session, focused pressure is applied through a variety of techniques to release your trigger points. This process can be quite painful at times, yet the effects are lasting and profoundly transformative.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a form of soft tissue therapy intended to eliminate pain, increase range of motion, and rebalance the entire body. It does this by using massage techniques to stretch the fascia and release the bonds that exist between the fascia, muscles and bones. Fascia is the connective tissue that connects and covers all muscles, organs, and skeletal structures of the body. Direct myofascial release is sometimes known as deep tissue work. Indirect release applies light pressure and gently stretches the fascia; this allows for increased blood circulation and relief from pain.
Pilates-based Functional Movement
The art and practice of Pilates-based Functional Movement helps bring your body into alignment, leading to enhanced performance in sport and other physical activities as well as everyday lifestyle.
The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine. In particular, Pilates-based Functional Movement teaches awareness of breath and alignment of the spine, and aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles.
Pilates for Golf
NASM Corrective Exercise
Personal Training
At Bodytopia™, we work one-on-one with you to give you the training, motivation and support you need. Our goal is to help you reach your peak condition and achieve your fitness objectives. We will assess your level of fitness and create a plan that supports you in reaching your optimal fitness through exercise, lifestyle changes, and proper nutrition.
Movement Education
Movement education uses a custom-tailored approach to improving your body awareness and movement skills. Combining problem-solving, guided discovery, and exploratory methods, this practice inevitably leads to a stronger connection between the mind and body, creating a more natural and graceful experience of movement and interaction with other people.